When we think of war it usually brings about images of our U.S. soldiers fighting overseas, or men and women experiencing oppressive and violent conditions within their own country. The very foundation of America’s democracy was built centuries ago by those same men and women who sought sanctuary from oppressive conditions within their own countries. Granted an argument could be made that the need for unskilled cheap labor provided by immigrants was more prevalent during this country’s industrial bomb of the early 1800s compared to today when more highly skilled individuals are needed to keep up with technology in the marketplace. But if we are to build our country’s infrastructure of technology, how is creating additional hardships for our citizens the way to go about it?
The fact stands that today our government has systematically declared war on the most vulnerable people in this country. New immigrants seeking the same sanctuary as their family and denying current rights to those established citizens are instead met with rejection and often threats of separation. This warfare isn’t overseas but is taking place right in our own backyard. Changes to the current public charge rules, which have been in effect for over a hundred years, will create new hardships for immigrants navigating these new rules while also attempting to protect themselves and their families. With these proposed changes, immigrants are forced to choose between seeking assistance for necessities or risk deportation measures separating them from their families.
By manipulating the old public charge rules in such a way as to effect current SNAP, Medicaid, and housing benefits the United States may succeed at limiting those needing sanctuary in this country but will inevitably fail to make our country stronger.
By attacking our American values of family, community and fairness, the current administration is creating an entire generation of weaker, sicker, and more impoverished citizens. The proposed changes by the current administration would also allow officials to create a bigger divide between the haves and the have-nots in this country. Allowing those same officials to deny future immigrants’ applications to public programs for medical, food, shelter needs and not allowing them to use public benefits they are entitled to will “ risk their health and the health of their family; however, using them will threaten their ability to pursue legal permanent residency” [2].
This misguided use of power is nothing sort of economic warfare on the rest of the country. Government campaigns to increase security around our country’s borders only perpetuate needless fear and develop hatred which this country can’t afford anymore of. Simply put, there is no way possible to create a war on individual immigrants without also creating more casualties from harming children, families, and whole communities. This economic warfare is based on the government’s goal to save money, but, it is very much just another form of war.
-Debbie Freitag
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